--- FARHAN----
Thursday, 28 February 2008
hahaz..wth... farhan is like really irritating larhs.. but he also verri funny!! hahaz..everytime he sees me he would be like [ EUNICE! i love you] , [ EUNICE ,wo ai ni] , [EUNICE, wo xi huan ni] or [EUNICE , i like you] ...wth rite?? hahaz.. now got summore.. damn sick lorhs.. [ EUNICE, u wann my lollipop?] or [ EUNICE , hotel 81,7.00pm] ..,then im like ... i nvr said anithing!!some time squite irritating.. he said this to jovial osso... so dhen come times if jovial n i are in a good mood... we'll disturb him back ... hahaz.. like [FARHAN... got miss me anot??]
its like hillarious!!
aniways.. lifes been ok .. but sec two?? man!! i miss 111!! i miss sec 1 life... sec 1 not so much problems... now sec 2 starting of year till now got quite afew problems.. haiz...
i find it odd... now conferencing wif new ppl... hahaz..krishna n rizduan [krishna's ex classmate]
he is kinda cool!! he accept being my bro :D hahaz...well, he is frenly... :P
haizz.. homework not so much rite now... but i haf a feeling im not going to do well for PPR1... haizz.. muz work reli hard to bring my average up now....
so i gtg.. homework, homework, homework!! :D :P
loves!! muackz!! :D