Sunday, 9 March 2008
hooray!! 3 weeks no catachism hahaz... well.. not so happy bout it larhs... but dun haf to hurry every sunday morning alr.. :D
well.. im reli not sure if dinesh n i are frens or not... we will be talking for some time.. dhen we will be on bad terms... thats tuff... aniways... haf to learn to live..
but now we'r ok... i hope... well u can call me counciler EUNICE.. hahaz.. no larhs jk.. so far... been help alot of ppl wif their LOVE N RELATIONSHIPS n such... well cant tell u guys who.. lolz...sorri :D
well... me n asraf u say?? i'd rather not talk abt it... asraf has moved on n found better frens to hang out wif then wif me [an assh*le] aniways... i think he has a new gf...although not sure if its true....oh well ..hahaz..
so... now im patiently waiting for my PPR1 RESULTS... it has alr been 3 days if im not wrong!!!arghh!!! i need to haf them nowww.... haiz... but haf to w8... bo pian...haizz...
oh yea!!! i finally RMB!! i got 2 BIL[brother-in-law]... coz stephanie n tiffany got stead alr !! hahaz.. CONGRATS TO THE BOTH OF THEM!!
n one thing i haf to make clear to everyone.... I DONT....REPEAT DONT!! LOVE KRISHNA!!!
so stop asking me if i love or like him alr ok?!?!!!!! n krishna, if u happen to read this... sorri k??
haizz... now thats said.. i got alot of holiday homework to do!! so i'd better get started!! buhh bye!!