25 FEB 08
Monday, 25 February 2008
its dinesh's birthday!!! happy birthday dinesh!!! hope ur wishes will all come true!!!
love ya neshy boii!! (:
kk so today was fun!! got to hang out wif jovial, stephanie n jill!! dhen aft that wif lukman and krishna... was ok got to catch up on stuff..then talk abt some other thinggs then joke arnd.. we've all changed soo much... heyy more vulgarities ok... dats baddd!!! BADD!!.. if i say the F word.. my fave senior gonna kill me... :x hahaz.. well lifes been reli good so far.. sad thingg larhs.. NC n M like some other girl... haizz... so sad... sobbs sobs.. aniways.. EC dunnoe larhs... but we haf been frens since we were reli young!! hahaz
its good that we still talk now.. hahaz.. but haf this feeling that he likes sum1 else osso.. n yea SOMEONE likes some one else osso...haizz.... aniways.. rite now i dunoe why i suddenly like paula deanda's songs..
-walk away
-footprints on my heart
-wanna be with you
-when it was me
-doing too much
and others... hahaz.. aniways.. thats all i got to say so far... either then the fact that im so happy that i got NC'S NUMBER!!!! OMG!! jerome n eleanor larhs!!! hiyo!! hahaz.. aniways..
thats all i got now... (: