20th Aug 08
Wednesday, 20 August 2008
heyy guys.. so today, E-learning day..
woke up arnd 7 plus?
was reli tired.. went to haf breakfast as well as watch some TV... aft that was done..went back to my room.. had to do e-learning.. went on and i had 11 TASKS to do... :( reli tiring.. phy,bio,chem,el,mtl,maths,history and some survey thingg.. i was stuck at physics.. u wanna noe why?? THERE WAS 7 VIDEOS!!!! 7!!! so i had to watch them 1 by 1.. understand wadevr they were talking about blah blah blah... so it was verri tiring.. like i said earlier..i fell asleep infront of my comp when i was watching the 3rd PHY video... sigh~~ i still haf a 200 word essay to finn,
maths [mensuration], history, bio, dumb survey and some other thingg.. gotta say,
e-learning... NOT MY FORTÉ.... e-learning sucks...
so aniways...today was a pretty boring day.. but talked to krishna,lukman,daniel ben, wootha and stephanie... was alrite.. hahaz.. they made me laugh :D thanks guys!!
so i reli wanna 4get HIM rite now... i dunnoe why.. maybe its coz i noe he doesnt haf feelings for me animore... and i dun want me to go ga ga over him.. the prob is.. everytime i see him, i'd go totally nervous and my heart will beat faster and faster...i seriously haf a major crush on HIM.. but i dun wanna have a crush on him when he doesnt feel the same way... :(
dear GOD help me... pls...help me to think st8, help me to stay calm and make the right decisions... AMEN..
ok i have made my blogg holy..:D God has always answered my prayers and i know that he'll ans this 1 too.. GOD works in mysterious ways... thats wad my dad always tell me.... and even if it doesnt happen instantly, i gottta be patient.. :D
so aniways.. HE didnt reply my msg.... :(
i hope i dun emo... :(
ok lets round of today's blogg post..:
1] e-learning sucks
2] He doesnt like me animore
3] i have a major crush on him
4] GOD works in mysterious ways
dissappointed/abit emo/abit random/e-learning sucks
eunice .