24th Oct 08
Friday, 24 October 2008
heyy guys!!! today was choir... ANDD!! im soooo PROUD of myself.. i just finnished my JABS!! Influenza and hep A. didnt do typhoid.... coz the nurse said that hep A and influenza is most recommended.. gona take my second jab aft 6 months... hahaz..THANKS TO JOVIAL AND STEPHANIE, AND ALL OTHERS WHO ENCOURAGED ME FOR THE JABS.. LOVE U ALL!!!
Aniways.. today was awesome.. later gonna haf the taman negara breifing.. and AZIQ OWES ME MY LOLLIPOP!! :D [aziq, if u happen to read this, hahaz. just playing oni.. but lollipop still wanted aites?? :D]
so EXAMS ARE LONG OVER!!! and.. results are out.. collecting reportbooks on 4th Nov... shoot!! marks dont seem to go as expected...sigh~~ but planning to Try RELI HARD NEXT YEAR!!!:D soooooo... THEORY EXAM IS NEXT SATURDAY!!leaving me about a week to prepare.. damn... already rushing through my test papers to get them in by wed.. hmm.. reli hope to do well!!! :S
oh well.. i guess i'd better start with my test papers!! oh and BTW, i started reading Eclipse already!! :D already HALF WAY THROUGH!!!YAY!! on gotta finn reading so i can go on to the last book... :D I CANT WAIT!!! :D
aniways.. i gtg now guys.. NO TIME AT ALL!!!
eunice .