23rd Aug 08
Saturday, 23 August 2008
k, today was alrite so far..
NO PIANO!! teacher MSGED me saying that she had the concert rehersal today.. im gonna support her at the concert held at VCH :D...!! yay!! so morning, woke up at aobut 10 plus... hmm...THEORY EXAM is COMMING!!! AHH!!! and another 5 MORE WEEKS to FINAL YEAR!! omg.. TIME FLIES so fast....before u noe it, ure in sec 3... :( hope that we'll go into express or 311.. hahaz.. that would be awesome... :D [WORK HARD eunice, you can do it] ok im talking to myself.. ok nvm!! :D
today, verri random.... and i think i RELI LIKE . . . . . . . again... :( aww man... dun worri guys, its DEFINATLY NOT HAKIM!!!! :D hahaz.. if he happens to read this.. which i doubt he will : NO OFFENCE AITES??.. haahz..
so aniways.. had a nice chat wif aziq and wootha in the morning, then by Daniel [shafiqal's bro], then glashryl and asraf.. had lunch then chatted wif aziq,wootha and counsiling my JR.... sigh~~ HOPE YOU ARE OK!!! Dun blame urself ok??? u're not at fault.. :D smile... k?..
ok.. currently, talking to aziq.. and being verri random.. haahz.. sry, hope u dun mind ar?? :D
so aniways.. cant wait for the concert larh...oh, and i fell off my chair just now... was so bored, i was sulking in my chair, then i just landed on the floor.. :D silly me.. hahaz.. so pai seh sia.. lolx..
k, got nth to say now...guess i'll sign off here :D
byee guys :D
SPIDER- eunice