29 Aug 08
Friday, 29 August 2008
heyy guys!!
so morning, was alrite, my mum made sea-weed chicken and nuggets for my class party later.. met stephanie at sch coz we needed to collect the curry puffs... it started horribly horribly wrong!!! they aunty who was suppose to pass us the curry puffs, WASTN THERE!!!! omgg!!! than mei shan called and told stephanie that she 4got to buy the cups... so stephanie got reli RELI IRRITATED!! she ran to the provission shop near by... soon yang hyun and marcus came...then jovial wif the 2 cakes for teachers [Ms Zhao and Ms Ng] so when stephanie came back, she couldnt find ani cups... so my dad vollunteered to go get some ASAP.. so we waited at the back gate..not long, my dad came back.. and we got permission to be at the carnival abit late.. we told Ms Ng that we'd be late.. so by the time we got there, saw Kai chong and gim hui there.. we rushed to the stadium... we got there in time for the aces day work out... :D I WON THE MEDAL AGAIN!! second year in a row :D yay!! lolx... coinsidentally, lukman won the medal again this year.. lolx!! CONGRATS!!! :D
so aft the enthusiastic performances by EVERY1 ESP!!! jovial, and STEPHANIE AND ME!!! hahaz.. we wnt back to the stand to watch the games played by our frens!! lolx... HE was playing too!! i went to give my brother somthing... had to walk pass HIM , HE waved at me then i waved back.. and as i walked pass HIM, HE was like: hey... and then i said: Hey.. ..it was totally awesome !!! :D lolx... was damn hyper... watch the sec ones play PS volleyball.. then the sec 2s played captains' basketball... was funny at some point.. Mr Siva is an EXCELENT EMCEE!!! lolx... reli funny!! even though it drizzled abit... talked abit to HIM.. made me feel better.. he smiled at me and i smiled at him whenevr we had the chance..
so it was picture time and jovial,stephanie,yuna and i were like taking photos 2gether.. HE walked pass and i told him.. hey, u still owe me a picture u noe.. and he was like.. yea i noe.. and jovial was like ehk! take wif me leii.. so she pulled him to her and took a picture.. but he was being funny... he FROWNED!! hHAZZ.. so when jovial looked at the picture, she was like ehk, why ur face like dat.. hahahaz.. but i asked HIM.. to take 1 wif me.. he said later.. and when later came, i asked him to come over.. he came, bent down close to me and said, yea? and i stared at him for afew seconds.. HE understood exactly wad i meant.. hahaz.. so he was like, i noe, i noe,, ur picture.. ok but i need to go alr.. and i was like. but its only 1 snap wadd. and he was like... ok wait.. verri fast.. i promise... and i was like.. huh?... and he was like.. ok? verri fast... so he went back to his class.. sadly, his "verri fast" wasnt at all fast.. coz it didnt come.. :( so sadd..
oh, and stephanie was sadd coz its all MR PHUA'S FAULT [NO OFFENCE] ..
but aniways...
stephanie and i went to ST NICKS to meet my teachers.. on the way there, i saw HIS friend,
IZAM,AZIZ,HASHNUL, and some 1 else whom i dunnoe the name of.. we took the same bus.. 76.. :D was awkward.. AZIZ, HASHNUL and this other guy went down 1st than IZAM stopped at the same stop as me and steph.. he was walking infront of us then i told steph i wanted to kaciao him... so she was like ok arh.. so i shouted: ehk you! then stephanie continued: the boy infront!, so he turned around and steph and i turned behind too... SO MEAN RITE?!?! hahaz.. but i reli wanted to say HI larh.. lolx.. too shy uh:D.. i bet doesnt even noe me larh.. but the reason why i noe their name is coz RAMSAY told me :D hahaz... was curious :P
so aniways...
Met up wif ms TAY and MRS WEE!! THANK GOD, they still rmb me.. :D had a nice chatt wif em' lolx.. saw Jeanette!! she called me.. i recieved LOADS OF HUGGS today!! hahaz... i saw Nicole yue.. she sTILL RMBS ME!! omgg!! hahaz... was awesome!! wanted to see suwen and hopefully my other classmates.. but couldnt find them.. so i followed stephanie back to AMKPS!! hahaz.. was kwl... but didnt see Von larh.. hahaz.. she wanted to show me who he was.. lolx..so for like awhile we left... bumped into IZAM and his frens.. hahaz.. but it wasnt with AZIZ they all...hahaz.. we went to HUB shortly after.. hahaz..
talked to glashryl for while on the phone.. then practise abit of piano...
on the phone with glashryl was kwl!! well duhh!! SHE IS MY BEST FRIEND!! why wouldnt it be?? lolx!!! I LOVE HER!! AND ELEANOR!!:D
love you guys like CRAZY!! :D but i noe glashryl will love RYAN SHECKLER MORE!! [ whoops... slipped out??] hahaz... :D
so basically today was alrite... lolx.... NXT WEEK IS A HOLIDAY!!
ANDDDDDD!!!!! tomorrow is AZIQ'S BIRTHDAY!!! hahaz!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY AZIQQ!!! IN ADVANCE!! :D lolx!! so......
WOOOHHH~~~~ !!!
birthday MSG!!:
dear AZIQ,
today, well actually TOMORROW is ur special day!! so ENJOY IT! and its the day u get 1 year older and ofcoz , wiser.. yea?? so HOPE YOU PASS UR EXAMS WITH FLYING COLOURS.. (:
and God Bless (:
eunice .
so i gues, i'll end off here yea?
eunice .
SPIDER- eunice :D