24 Aug 08
Sunday, 24 August 2008
hey guys... (:
a sunday!! :D came to church, met up wif my BESTIES!!! eleanor showed me glashryl's UNGLAM pic!! man.. i'd show it to u guys, but eleanor didnt send me coz my phone no bluetooth aniways... :( man!! hahaz.. so aniways.. we decided calling that UNGLAM pic the GLASHRYL POSE!! which btw, is POSE OF THE WEEK!!ahahahaz... so i was being mean wif eleanor teasng glashryl aobut the GLASHRYL POSE!.... hahaha :P it was hillarious!! u guys so HAD to be there!! man!! hahaz.. so we went to class.. was abit boring though.. but was alrite...aft break time, we were like talking about the BEI JING OLYMPICS... so NC just accused jerome for being racist towards indians and chinese... so he was like : what?!?! u dun like chinese?? u racist B*st*rd! then the class was like laughing NON-STOP!!! hahaz... then he just kept accusing Jerome.. which was like SUPER MEAN larh!! :P hahaz.. but serious, he is acting like a JERK now adays... :(
sigh~~so aft class, we went for mas together, ME and my 2 BESTIES!! oh and BTW, ELEANOR wants to take llama-ology... and i think i might join her.. hmmm... wad do u think ele?? hahaz..oh oh OH!! and GLASHRYL wants to take up HIPPO-OLOGY!!! hahaz... a sudden fasination over HIPPOS huh glash?!?! hahaz.. I WONDER WHO THE TEACHER IS!!! * wink wink* lolx...
ok so the day was ok over all... sadd :( i cant my new phone till october!! :( boohoo ;(
oh well, HIM and i arnt that close animore.. sad to say... sigh~~ but Aziq's been a gd fren larh! damn funny.. :P hahaz.. definatly cheered me up!! THANKS!! and not to mention... MY 2 BESTEST FRENS EVER!!!!! THANKS GUYS!! U MOST DEFINATLY CHEERED ME UP!!!
oh and did i mention i got 60/100 for my EL ppr2??? sadd uh?? sigh~~ oh well,
hope to conference later on... i havent finnished my e-learning... HIST, GEOG,bio, Maths... OH GOD HELP ME!!!!
so i'd better get to work then :( once again... E-LEARNING SUCKS!!! say NO to e-learning!!!
eunice .